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"We Stormed the Castle!"

Looking back a couple weeks later and it all starts to hit. We were off the road for 6 solid months due to medical reasons but the same time finding a new guitarist. Even when we found our man we couldn't practice to our full ability as Dave still wasn't allowed to sing.

But the problem we had was that back in March time when we had to take time off the road we set a return date...and that was main stage at the huge biker rally known as Stormin' the Castle. We played this 2 years earlier so knew that not only was it an opportunity never to be turned down but also a gig with so much potential. Every biker group known would be there, its a chance to show thousands of music loving bikers what you are all about with the hope at the end want them to be asking you to play at their rally or buying your shirts to get the bands name further afield.

Anyways due to the earliest Dave was allowed to physically sing along with holiday with the lads being abroad, it meant we only had one week before the biggest gig of our lives after 6 months off to dust off the cobwebs (may I add with a dep guitarist while we were getting Jon up to speed) and be ready for the gig.

Oh we Stormed the castle! On the weekend of the festival the weather was the best has been all year. We set up, sound checked and let the day go by. Now its our moment. We walked on that stage to thousands and it felt like we hadn't missed a week. The lads smashed it out the park and the crowd were on top form.

Added to this we introduced the world to our new guitarist who unknown to him we dragged on the stage and ended the show for us.



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Created by Dave Scott of Lock N Load created with

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