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Over the past few months we've been slowly investing heavily in a bigger and more powerful PA system to enable the band to meet the demand of the larger venues we're been asked to perform at.

We're over the moon to confirm this phase has now completed and we are over the moon with the new gear which we will speak of more below.


We have invested in the RCF brand which is a highly thought of company for the quality of the speakers they provide.

Our tops consist of 2 x RCF TT25a speakers, known in the industry for been the best you can buy for the price. These powerful speakers have really took our sound to the next level with such great clarity and power coming from them.

We've then added more RCF's in our bass bin area upgrading to the 905ii speakers providing that great bottom end and "thump" needed.

Mixing Desk:

This is our baby (although doesnt look it with its sheer size) in the form of the Behringer x32 digital mixing desk which is used by many top touring bands including british rockers "FM" and many more.

We've spent many weeks learning how to use along with the help of our good friend Martin Metcalf out of the Sleeze Sister who has helped us set the desk up ready for the road. We're also able to record live gigs from the desk too so this is something you should also expect to see more of going forward on our site in terms of footage.


Our singer has upgraded to a Shure BETA 58a wireless mic system along along with other members also upgrading to in-ear monitor systems for better clarity but also protection of their hearing.

The difference all this combined has made to our sound is nothing short of unbelievable and feedback has been phenomenal.

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